Looking to advertise on Amazon Prime movies and TV shows? Brandtailers’ media network now includes access to Amazon’s DSP, allowing our clients to serve ads on Prime! This is something not all advertisers are able to offer. Access to Amazon Prime inventory is limited, so we’re excited about adding the Power of Prime to our list of available advertising channels.

With the ad-supported tier of Prime launching this past January, Amazon has become the world’s largest ad-supported streaming TV provider. And with almost everyone having purchased something on Amazon, the wealth of audience segments to serve ads against is as vast as it is detailed.
From Amazon:
“Be where the world is watching. Expand your reach with Streaming TV ads that show up in award-winning shows and movies on Prime Video.
Whether you want to reach specific demographics or lifestyle audiences, like fashionistas, pet lovers, or auto enthusiasts, we can help you connect with the audiences that matter most to your brand.”
What KPIs can I track with Prime TV ads?
- Online transactions and sales
- Video views by network
- Average video completion rate
- Video views by location (city & zip)
What types of ads can I serve on Prime?
:15 and :30 second spots can run on the ad-supported tier of Prime content served across Smart TVs (CTV), mobile and desktop devices.
Want to learn more? Contact us for a customized performance forecast.